Remembering Rumi: How he inspired the East and the West

Listen to the reed how it tells a tale, complaining of separations– Saying, “Ever since I was parted from the reed-bed, my lament has caused man and woman to moan. I want a bosom torn by severance, that I may unfold the
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Learn How to do a Whirling Dervish Dance

Learn How to do a Whirling Dervish Dance . Whirling Dervish Dance Workshop. Learn how to whirl like a Dervish. Duration:  70 min. Location:  Sultanahmet / ISTANBULLesson Teachings: Available in English and TurkishLessons : In or Studio with Teacher or Live on Zoom
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Russian-Visit a Real Dervish Tekke in Istanbul

Russian-Visit a Real Dervish Tekke in Istanbul, Приглашаем вас посетить церемонию Кружащихся дервишей в центре Стамбула. Идея: во время этой церемонии посещения текке (обители дервишей) вы узнаете историю суфизма и суфийских общин в Стамбуле, а также познакомитесь с традицией суфийского ордена Мевлеви
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Why do the dervishes whirl

Who are the Whirling Dervishes? Why do the dervishes whirl ? The Whirling Dervishes are a part of the Sufi branch of Islam, known for its mysticism and asceticism. Scholars of Sufism have defined it in many different ways throughout the times,
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What does a dervish do

What does a dervish do ? Dervish, Arabic darwīsh, any member of a Ṣūfī (Muslim mystic) fraternity, or tariqa. Within the Ṣūfī fraternities, which were first organized in the 12th century, an established leadership and a prescribed discipline obliged the dervish postulant
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What is a whirling dervish and why is it called that

What is a whirling dervish and why is it called that ? The Mevlevi Order or Mawlawiyya (Turkish: Mevlevilik or Mevleviyye; Persian: طریقت مولویه‎) is a Sufi order that originated in Konya and which was founded by the followers of Jalaluddin Muhammad
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